St. Paddy's Day Sale $250 off 10" Mattresses

Zero Returns & 100% 5 Star Reviews in 2017

Best Online Mattress 2017 

Is this a true claim?  Yes, and here is why…
It is absolutely true and true for 2016 as well.  We are very optimistic as we close out 2017, our first full year, with Zero Mattress Returns 100% 5 out of 5 star reviews.  No exaggeration.  I have been heavily involved in the development of mattresses for sell specifically online since the dawn of the online mattress revolution in the mid 2000's.  

While not the inventor of the process of compressing mattresses in boxes (which was invented by the Chinese to get more product into shipping containers being imported by the U.S. sometime prior to 2005), I was on the forefront of researching and developing product to be compressed by companies here in the U.S.

This research and development over the next decade gave me the insight to help start and launch multiple online mattress companies and brands.  In 2016, it was time for me to get out on my own and Aslan Mattress was created.

Aslan Mattress was started using the preferred method of compressing mattresses (some methods ‘crease’ and put excessive pressure on the material causing premature failure) and the highest quality, best performing foam (not all foams are created equal or hold up the same after compression).  I had mattresses in the market, being slept on for several months before advertising the final Aslan Mattress to the general public. 

The first full year of Aslan has exceeded all my expectations and I am most grateful.  THANK YOU!  I was able to get off to a great start with hardly any issues.  This was achieved through careful planning, paying attention to detail, and being connected to the right people in the industry.  

Why not just sell cheap foam and offer free returns?
Many companies do this and get by with it.  The new wave of ‘marketing/investment’ companies selling mattresses online often have no real mattress industry experience and don not possess the knowledge necessary to create a good mattress (they are often ‘sold’ by mattress manufacturers on using the products most profitable to manufacturers, not the best).  These companies often sell ‘generic yellow foam’, calculating acceptable return rates and not caring about whether they get the returns back or not – it is actually part of their projected operating budget.  While their business model will work, it does not work out for many people who have to waste time, and sometimes money on buying the wrong mattress.

Why is this good for you?
You can get the right mattress at the right (and fair) price the first time without having to go through a return.  While more than one mattress may be ‘good enough’ to keep and not return, why not get a better mattress that you will love?  I also promise not to overprice the Aslan Mattress.  Many mattresses cost over $1,000 for a queen and this is ridiculous.  Adding a couple of inches (that you will never reach or feel) to a mattress does not create an extra $1,000-$2,000 dollars’ worth of benefit.  Do not waste your money, especially while companies offer free return policies.  I personally guarantee every Aslan Mattress we sell and feel confident that you will not find better rest on anything out there.

Sleep Well,
Matthew Burgess, Owner
Aslan Mattress

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